Monday, March 3, 2008

Terengganu trip

i've been going to Terengganu since December last year.... for what???

my company got a project in Terengganu, at a place named KETENGAH. We always stay in Rumbia Resort in Paka.

where is KETENGAH??? never heard before leh... refer Terengganu map below:

the whole area is KETENGAH region, the small red circle is our client office locatin. this is a quite remote area...... but, a calm and quiet place.......... after 7pm no activities at all...... :-(


盈盈美代子 said...
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盈盈美代子 said...

Hahaha!! Dragon Siow really bo eng hor~~ Good! Bo eng = money money...hehehe

xiao-siau-siow said...

Ketengah? 去中间?哈哈。。。


xiao-siau-siow said...

原来 Ketengah 那里酱多钱可以 "zhap" 的哦,酱我也要去了咯。。。


Ah Soo said...

kns la.... where got money to zhap...

xiao-siau-siow said...


xiao-siau-siow said...

sorry, 是“不”美代子说的,“不”美代自是另外一个人,不是她说的,是“不”美代子~~~~~~ 哈哈。。。

盈盈美代子 said...
